Wednesday, February 11, 2009

What side of the brain do you use most, right or left?

This next video is a very neat trick. What you will see is a woman spinning. What actually matters is which way you see her spinning. If you see the woman spinning clock-wise then you most likely use the right side of your brain the most. If you see her turning counter-clock-wise then you most likely use the left side of your brain the most. Depending on which side of your brain you use the most you can figure some things out about yourself. If you use your left part of the brain the most it does not mean that everything that is under "left brain sided" in the chart below describes you because most likely you have some of the attributes on the other side of the chart. Some people are 50 - 50 left and right sided. Try to see if you can manipulate the spinning woman with your mind and make her spin both ways (it might take a long time)
Right brain sided === uses feeling - "big picture" oriented - imagination rules - symbols and images - present and future - philosophy & religion - can "get it" - believes - appreciates - spatial perception - knows object function - fantasy based - presents possibilities - impetuous - risk taking
Left brain sided === uses logic - detail oriented - facts rule - words and language - present and past - math and science - can comprehend - knowing - acknowledges - order/pattern - perception - knows object name - reality based - forms strategies - practical - safe

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