Thursday, February 26, 2009

Psychology of a psychopath

What is a psychopath? A psychopath is a person who is very antisocial, and thinks in a criminal, perverted, and aggresive ways. Psychopaths feel no empathy or remorse towards others, and that is the main reason they kill human beings and animals. Before researchers and scientist believed that psychopaths were just plain crazy, but it has been discovered that most serial killers have brain defects in which the part of the brain responsible for feeling sympathy towards others was either extremely small or missing completely. This means that if a psychopath killed someone he/she would feel no guilt, or in other words not see anything wrong with his/her action. Scientist performed a few tests to see how a psychopaths brain reacts to emotional words such as love, hatred, and sadness. The results of the test were that while a regular persons brain reacted to the words, a psychopaths brain did not react in any way, and functioned as if the word had never been said. It is estimated that about 4% of the population of the United States are psychopaths. Although this statistic may sound unrealistic at first, that is because most psychopaths are not killers even though they have the tendency to. Most psychopaths have abrasive personalities, and enjoy making life difficult for others. Some things that most killer pyschopaths have in common is that they wet their beds untill their about 12 years old, they enjoy torturing animals, do bad in school, enjoy lighting things on fire, and are actually very intelligent.

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