Monday, March 2, 2009

The bobo doll

Is aggression in human nature or is it taught to us? Many people think that watching a violent film does not influence people to commit violent acts, but psychologist Albert Bandura proved otherwise. In his experiment he gathered a lot of children and split them into two groups. The first group was placed in a room with a few toys. Among these toys was a doll called the bobo doll. An adult model comes into the room and plays with the toys for about ten minutes. When the model leaves the room the kids play with the toys like any other child would. The second group of kids were placed in the same room, but only with a different adult model. This adult model did not play with the toys peacefully like the first one, but rather started hitting the bobo doll with fists and kicks, and sometimes with other tools. When this group of kids were left in the room (one at a time), they began to hit the bobo doll with fists and kicks just like the adult, and some of them even began to swing a hammer at the dolls head. This experiment resulted with the following conclusion : children exposed to aggressive behavior tend to act in aggressive ways whether if it is watching an adult physically  harm someone or something, or if it is watching a violent movie, and perhaps video games as well. 

1 comment:

  1. We studied this is my psychology class. I believe that children are a product of their environment. Children mock what they see and hear. I don't think that genetics has that much to do with it because me and my 2 brothers are completely different. My oldest brother is agressive and abrupt. my middle brother is like quiet and layed back. I have random personalities. We were all raised in the same house with the same values and rules but no one would ever be able to tell that we are related.
