Thursday, April 23, 2009


"Brother and sisters,........... and friends....... and I see some enemies. In fact I think we would be fooling ourselves if we had an audience this large and didn't realize that we had some enemies present." ---- Malcolm X

The truth is that enemies are everywhere whether you know it or not because some you probably haven't met yet, and possibly never will. I believe there is a balance of good and evil and no matter who you are and what you stand for there is a person who stands for the exact opposite. There is a division between morals and intelligence. Not all highly intelligent people believe the same thing. Martin Luther King Jr. argues that you should love your enemy so that you understand them, but San-tzu argues that you should love your enemy and then strike them down.

"Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." ---- San-tzu

I believe it is essential to have enemies because only they will point out your flaws. There are places in other countries which are filled with poisons and pesticides. The children that are born there have no problem with the environment because their bodies adapt, but if anyone else goes there, they will most likely get very sick and possibly die. If you live without enemies your whole life, as soon as you get one you won't know how to defend yourself. If your the type of person who believes in revenge then remember this quote because its probably the best form.

“Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them more.” ---- Oscar Wilde

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