Thursday, April 2, 2009

A week in Chicago

I just came back from a trip to Chicago, and the thing I enjoyed most about Chicago is probably not what most people would expect. During my six day stay at Chicago I recieved over thirty recomendations on what to do for fun. These included going to museums, eating at restaurants, walking around the city, and many more. The museums were pretty boring, and even though I did walk around the city and eat a lot, I still did not consider it "fun". The funnest thing I did in Chicago was actually play in the snow. It was the first time I touched snow, so it was pretty amazing. I probably looked like an idiot running in the snow, and rolling, but I didn't care. If anyone is going to Chicago for a visit, I suggest going while it snows because it might be the best thing you find in the city. No offense Chicago.

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