Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teacher wages

I constantly hear teachers rant about their wages. Teaching isn't an easy job if you're actually doing your job well. Should teacher wages go up? Honestly, I think teachers should not get paid much more if any than they already do. Perhaps receive more teaching materials, yes, but wages shouldn't increase. What will happen when being a teacher is considered a high paying job and people begin to teach for the money? The idiot deciding whether to work at Mcdonalds or pursue a career in education might choose to be a teacher because he/she realizes that teachers make a lot of money. Not everyone teaches for the money. There are plenty of teachers who teach to pass off their wisdom to young minds. There are many teachers who sacrifice their time and money to try to make a difference in the future. So, should wages be raised? The real question is whther you would like more or less dedicated teachers.


  1. I never thought of it that way, actually. That's a really good point. I wouldn't want a teacher that is motivated by money rather than our education because then he/she wouldn't be as dedicated to the students. If that does happen, then our education might just suck a little bit more, and what do you think might happen to our country, our businesses, and our economy if this generation isn't as well educated by the time we graduate college and go on with their own lives? We need smart kids now to better the future.

  2. I think there should be some bonuses on how well the teacher teaches. You will get compared to other teachers that teach the same subject at you. You will get compared within the school and within the nation. Teachers will get some students that don't want to work, and that may hurt them. I think if the teacher is good enough the rest of the class will make up for it. This is just an idea and there is probably a lot of flaws to it, but they can be worked out and maybe one day become true. It always sucks to see a crappy teacher get paid just as much as a teacher working their asses off.
